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Author: newadmin
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain
February 5, 2010
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Post Format: Quote

newadmin       Uncategorized
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain...
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January 8, 2010
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Post Format: Chat

newadmin    Uncategorized
Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names. Costello: Funny names? Abbott: Nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who’s on first, What’s on second, I Don’t Know is on third– Costello: That’s what I want to find out. I want...
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October 5, 2009
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newadmin    Uncategorized
Title should not overflow the content area A few things to check for: Non-breaking text in the title, content, and comments should have no adverse effects on layout or functionality. Check the browser window / tab title. If you are a plugin or widget developer, check that this text does...
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September 5, 2009
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newadmin    Blog
Duis fringilla felis et faucibus semper. Aliquam gravida elit et lectus viverra porta. Proin ultricies, massa eu aliquam tristique, sapien tellus gravida eros, eget sollicitudin nisl mi id tortor. Cras enim elit, convallis at imperdiet at, viverra eget diam consectetur euismod enim PRAESENT LOBORTIS LEO MI Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
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August 6, 2009
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newadmin    Blog
Duis fringilla felis et faucibus semper. Aliquam gravida elit et lectus viverra porta. Proin ultricies, massa eu aliquam tristique, sapien tellus gravida eros, eget sollicitudin nisl mi id tortor. Cras enim elit, convallis at imperdiet at, viverra eget diam consectetur euismod enim PRAESENT LOBORTIS LEO MI Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
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June 1, 2009
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Edge Case: Many Tags

newadmin    Uncategorized
This post has many tags....
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May 15, 2009
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newadmin    Blog
Duis fringilla felis et faucibus semper. Aliquam gravida elit et lectus viverra porta. Proin ultricies, massa eu aliquam tristique, sapien tellus gravida eros, eget sollicitudin nisl mi id tortor. Cras enim elit, convallis at imperdiet at, viverra eget diam consectetur euismod enim PRAESENT LOBORTIS LEO MI Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
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